Can I book a trip through the Traveler's App?
Yes, you can make a booking online or with the help of one of our Travel Experts.
Book in 5 easy steps:
Use the search bar and tell us where you're departing from, where you'd like to travel to, and what date you'd like to travel.
Select the travel dates in the calendar, which also shows the pricing.
Choose your preferred flight options.
Select your preferred options such as early check-in, hotel category, room type, and extra excursions.
Select Continue and proceed to the checkout and payment page.
Hint: If you’re not sure where you'd like to travel, you can find inspiration by searching for trips by destination or trip style.
Product information and pricing are displayed based on two people per booking for the "charm" category, which you can amend.
Should you need any help, please call and speak with one of our Travel Experts, who will be delighted to assist you.