Where can I find information about Exoticca's social responsibility initiatives?


We adhere to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and strive towards following the guidelines of ISO 26000.


We do not employ children.

We adhere to overtime regulations.

We regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys.

We support employee representation.


We monitor customer satisfaction with special reference to responsibility and sustainability.

We have a defined workflow for reacting and answering to customer feedback.

We inform our customers on the sustainability of our products.


We give preference to sustainable means of transport and accommodation.

We prefer green energy if available and monitor our energy consumption.

Supply Chain/Cooperation:

We monitor the CSR index and practice of our partners and suppliers.

We review the standard of sustainability of our partners and suppliers, and we try to influence them in the direction of sustainability and responsibility.


We protect the cultures of the respective destinations.

Our travel products are able to convey a fair picture of the regional cultures involved and do not interfere more than necessary with the practice of those cultures.

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See also

Where can I find information about Exoticca's social responsibility initiatives?
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